dkirschner's ULTRAKILL (PC)
[August 9, 2024 03:18:34 PM]
Retiring this. Another surprise freebie from my wishlist on Amazon Luna, and the third game I've played on that cloud gaming platform. This was more stable than Devil May Cry 5, no crashes at all. Though I didn't play for too, too long. ULTRAKILL is really freaking hard. It's a boomer shooter with new Doom vibes because, as with new Doom, you regain health by getting close to an enemy and getting their blood on you (aka attacking them at point blank). So you have to be aggressive.
I made it to what, I learned, is considered the boss that forces you to get good at the game, V2. It's challenging up to that point, but you learn each enemy and you can methodically get through the levels. V2...killed me like 100 times. I got him pretty close to death two or three times, but man, he was frustrating! He's hard to hit, super fast, flies and slides around like crazy. He's actually an upgraded version of your character (so I imagine how annoying I am to the enemies!). I was trying to blame this on Amazon Luna, but honestly it's my fault. I couldn't learn him well enough. I mean, I learned his attacks, and I kind of figured out how he choreographs them. But then once you do that, you need to be able to dodge the attacks that need to be dodged, parry the attacks that need to be parried (the shotgun blasts), and do all that while constantly zipping around yourself and shooting at him. It's so fast, and I am having the horrifying thought, "Am I too old for this?!", like are my reflexes just not what they used to be?! Oh no...
The guns are fun and the movement is tight. Each gun (that I got) has two special attacks. For example, the pistol has a charge attack and a neat one where you toss a coin in the air, then shoot the coin, which ricochets with a 100% chance to hit an enemy. The shotgun has a grenade launcher and a charged shot that you have to be careful with lest you blow yourself up. The machine gun can deploy mines and has some sort of exploding scattershot. The whole thing is wrapped up in that low-fi boomer shooter aesthetic where it looks like Quake. The music was great, lots of pounding industrial/metal music, with other moments of classical and whatnot.
I would have liked to play more of this, see what other guns, enemies, and bosses there are, but V2 is kicking my butt, and there wasn't all that much compelling me forward anyway, despite it being a tight game and obviously at the top of the boomer shooter genre.
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dkirschner's ULTRAKILL (PC)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got frustrated
GameLog started on: Thursday 1 August, 2024
GameLog closed on: Friday 9 August, 2024 |
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