dkirschner's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)
[September 7, 2024 10:56:50 AM]
MGSV, on the other hand, was incredible. It took me around a month to get through it. The story is batshit crazy, as per usual, so I will not even attempt to comment on it. The stealth-action sandbox is one of the best around. And this one adds some persistent online features and reimagines the series in a semi-open world.
The game occurs in Afghanistan and the Angola-Zaire border region. The environments are totally war torn, and the only really negative thing I can say about the game is that the settings are dull, locations are drab. I got tired of running across endless desert and grassland with scant interesting features. But these are two semi-open world locations. Missions take place in either region, and once you take a helicopter to either one, you can run around the whole place if you want to doing side ops (which I mostly ignored), gathering resources, and doing whatever else you want, or you can just land in your mission area, do your job, and leave.
There are 40-something main missions and another 150-ish side ops. Of the main missions, completing the first 30-something will get you to the credits. Then, you enter "chapter 2," which...is optional I guess...and continues various story threads. The missions in chapter 2 are a mixture of story missions and replaying old missions with new constraints (e.g., total stealth, extreme difficulty, etc.). I actually didn't complete the last two story missions because I didn't know how to trigger them. Previous ones seem to have been triggered by completing some other mission or side op, or just letting enough time pass. I let a lot of time pass, and nothing. Finally looked it up, and oh my gosh, it's grindy! You have to max out your relationship with Quiet, a sniper companion, do something with her, upgrade your base to a certain point, and do various other tasks. This would have taken who-knows-how-many more hours, so I'll watch the "true" ending on YouTube.
Anyway, who cares about all that. The fun in this game for me is playing with all the toys. There are all manner of weapons: pistols, semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles, tranquilizer guns, grenade and rocket launchers, C4 explosives, a water pistol (seriously), an arm that you can detach and fire at people, a rideable mech with its own armaments, a dog companion that will distract, stun, or kill enemies on command, a sniper companion, vehicles like tanks to drive around in, ability-boosting drugs, inflatable decoys, shields, sleep grenades...I mean TONS of stuff. You can approach missions in a hundred different ways. I never ever got tired of jumping out of that helicopter, creeping up to the mission area, scouting, deciding how I was going to go in, trying out different equipment, companions, and tactics, and playing on my feet as the mission unfolded, sometimes according to plan, and other times not. Sometimes I'd be spotted and enemies would engage; other times, I'd pick up a fun looking weapon and decide to use it instead; or an enemy chopper would appear and I'd have to complete the mission without being seen from above; or I could steal a mech to pilot; or I'd try to get no kills; etc., etc.
In addition to the stealth combat gameplay, there is also a big base management aspect to the game. You build and operate a whole war effort. The basis of this is using your "Fulton device" to capture enemy soldiers. Snake literally attaches enemies to a balloon and they fly away to Mother Base. It's so silly and I love it. They lift off the ground a little bit, pause, then the balloon whooshes upward and they go, "Whoooa, aaaaaah!" Haha. If another enemy is nearby, they might notice. They'll panic a bit, call their buddies, and say, "One of our men just got carried away by a balloon! Should I check it out?!" Then you Fulton them too.
Captured soldiers become part of your army and fill various roles, from intel to medic to R&D. They all have graded strengths and weaknesses. The more soldiers you get, and the bigger your various teams become, the more the teams' skills upgrade. So, level up R&D and you can research more weapons. Level up intel and you'll have more information about the battlefield, like enemy locations. Level up medical, and your wounded soldiers recover faster. You can send soldiers off on missions to collect resources, fight enemies, recruit others, and so on. All in all, your goal is to accumulate resources to upgrade your base, which helps you on the ground.
There are a lot of interrelated systems, and they work together beautifully. I didn't mess with the online stuff much, but you can Fulton defenses to put on your base. Other players can invade your base, and you need to defend it. There are also a ton of challenges that grant rewards, animals to Fulton and a zoo to build, and other collectibles like posters and photos. The game is big, truly.
I'm working on getting a friend to start playing it. He will love it (he digs military and sniping games and MGSV has solid sniping). Looking forward to watching him play!
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dkirschner's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Sunday 4 August, 2024
GameLog closed on: Thursday 5 September, 2024 |
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