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    dkirschner's Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)

    [January 23, 2025 08:23:33 PM]
    I had no clue what to expect going in. I always thought it was some kind of motorcycle/sword fighting/action game from the cover art. Turns out this is a short rhythm game. Okay! It's stylish, that's for sure. You play through five or six clusters of levels, each of which culminates in a "boss fight" of sorts. In each level, you're basically auto-running/motorcycling a la Rez Infinite. Each cluster of levels has a different style or mechanic. For example, (like Rez Infinite) one of them mounts guns on your bike and you target and shoot enemies. Another (the most unique) has you playing through the level as if you are on/in a VR headset.

    You do have to steer somewhat to pick up hearts, but you're usually going forward, except with the perspective shifts. Often, the perspective will shift when you have to do some timed button presses that make your character perform an action. The timings are easy because the music is all thumping pop music. I don't think I missed a single one. This is a game that doesn't want you to fail. I wrecked a bunch on one part, and it actually asked me if I'd like to skip that part. Nice accessibility feature.

    That's pretty much it, really. It's a rhythm game. I was expecting...not this. If you've played Audiosurf or Rez Infinite or something, then this will feel familiar. Enjoy the brief, slick ride.
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    dkirschner's Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 23 January, 2025

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 23 January, 2025

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Neat little rhythm game with pop music and a great art style.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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