dkirschner's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PC)
[January 27, 2025 12:32:02 PM]
Well, that didn't take as long as I thought. 3 hours. HowLongToBeat says more like 4.5-6, so I was planning on this taking the whole week. I liked it overall, but it was slow. The walking speed, as I imagine nearly everyone who played it would agree, could be faster. There is also a weird effect, which I am assuming is just my computer, where the character would speed up and slow down. Like the walking speed would slingshot between faster and slower. I also noticed that effect with water in streams. Water in part of the stream would appear to be moving very fast, while water just a few feet downstream would appear to be moving at a normal speed. It was like the game would fast-forward at times. Very strange! Maybe that's why it only took me 3 hours, haha.
So, this is a narrative-heavy exploration game. A "walking simulator," if you will. The setting in the English countryside is beautiful, and whoever did the sound design and music deserves awards. My favorite part was the music, which was making me feel emotions, especially when it swelled to an orchestral or hymnal sounding piece. The lighting effects were cool too, and played with the music to create some nice moments. The story is a little difficult to piece together since it requires you to explore the map and find these "remnants" of events and these glowing lights that trigger scenes between characters, who are all either raptured or dead. If you miss finding these scenes--and I think they are mostly skippable--then you won't understand who characters are, what their relationships are, and what exactly is going on. Although there is a mystery unfolding regarding the light and the raptured people, the game really reminded me of Eternal Threads because it's a "slice of life" of the characters. You'll play through the stories of six or so characters, delving deeper into their lives and what they were doing before the rapture. The whole game takes place in like an hour of in-game time. I did inadvertently miss the ending of one of the characters' stories, so...woops, I have no idea what happened to him.
Since you have to explore a fairly open map, it's good that you get a guide. There is a floating light orb that you follow around. It guides you from scene to scene, although it can be a little difficult to figure out where exactly it wants you to go, and you can lose the orb. When I didn't finish that one character's story, it's because I lost the orb. I saw a windmill in the distance, and knew I was trying to get there, so I just cut across the landscape toward it, thereby missing everything along the main path to it. It's neat that it lets you roam though. Another time, I lost the orb, and I found myself backtracking and going in circles. I had no idea where I was supposed to go, so I found a tall hill nearby, climbed it and looked out to see if I could spot the orb anywhere. After a minute, I noticed a flash of light through some trees, then saw it again. Spotted! I went straight down the hill through the woods and reconnected with the orb.
It's important to have that orb guide. Although the English countryside is beautiful, there is a tension between its allure and your walking speed. I wanted to poke around in houses, see what was down side paths, and explore more, but the character moves soooo slowly that I also didn't want to explore. Like, "I want to see what's in that house over there, but it will take five minutes to walk there and back. Eh, I'll just follow the orb to the next main thing." And so on and so forth until the end...which was...fine.
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dkirschner's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Monday 27 January, 2025
GameLog closed on: Monday 27 January, 2025 |
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