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    Full List

    1 ピンボール (Pinball) (PSP)  by jp
    2 ブルードラゴン Blue Dragon (360)  by b-rabbit
    3 ブルードラゴン Blue Dragon (360)  by koalabear
    4 ブルードラゴン Blue Dragon (360)  by vinitagarwal
    5 東方 Undefined Fantastic Object (PC)  by NeuroDusk
    6 東方 Subterranean Animism (PC)  by NeuroDusk
    7 東方花映塚 Phantasmagoria of Flower View (PC)  by vinitagarwal
    8 Ōkamiden (DS)  by jp
    9 超連射68K (PC)  by dchattin
    10 超連射68K (PC)  by GameKyuubi
    11 .Hack Infection (PS2)  by meexia
    12 .Hack Infection (PS2)  by serates
    13 .hack//G.U (PS2)  by DarkNeo
    14 .hack//SIGN (PS2)  by kikesan
    15 007 Nightfire (PS2)  by dudeski
    16 007 Quantum of Solace (DS)  by jp
    17 007: Agent Under Fire (GC)  by coyoteman_1
    18 007: Agent Under Fire (GC)  by SCDevinA
    19 100 Floors (Other)  by dkirschner
    20 10000000 (iPd)  by jp
    21 10000000 (iPd)  by Totter87
    22 1001 Touch Games (DS)  by jp
    23 101 in 1 Explosive Megamix (DS)  by jp
    24 101 in 1 Sports Megamix (DS)  by jp
    25 11-11:Memories Retold (PS4)  by jp
    26 13 (Other)  by GTalley14
    27 140 (PC)  by dkirschner
    28 1971: Project Helios (PS4)  by jp
    29 1979 Revolution (iPd)  by Cocochanel972
    30 1979 Revolution (iPd)  by Emma Morrissey
    Next 30 GameLogs   next
    Newest GameLogs
    1 : jp's Persona 5 Strikers (PS4)
    2 : dkirschner's Wingspan (PC)
    3 : dkirschner's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS5)
    4 : jp's Astro Bot (PS5)
    5 : dkirschner's Shogun Showdown (PC)
    6 : dkirschner's Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles (PC)
    7 : dkirschner's Trombone Champ (PC)
    8 : dkirschner's Divinity: Original Sin II (PC)
    9 : dkirschner's Quantum Conundrum (XBONE)
    10 : dkirschner's Do Not Feed the Monkeys (PC)
    Recently Closed GameLogs
    Recently Finished Games
    1 : jp's Braid (PC)
    2 : dkirschner's Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles (PC)
    3 : dkirschner's Trombone Champ (PC)
    4 : dkirschner's Do Not Feed the Monkeys (PC)
    5 : dkirschner's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PC)
    6 : dkirschner's 60 Seconds! Reatomized (PC)
    7 : dkirschner's Astro's Playroom (PS5)
    8 : dkirschner's Rogue Legacy 2 (PS5)
    9 : dkirschner's Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)
    10 : dkirschner's Animal Well (PS5)


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