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    Starting with "I"

    1 I Spy Universe (DS)
    written by: 
    2 I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (PC)
    written by: 
    3 ibb & obb (PC)
    written by: 
    4 Ice Climber (PC)
    written by: 
    5 ICEY (PC)
    written by: 
    6 Ico (PS3)
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    7 Iconoclasts (PC)
    written by: 
    8 Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (PC)
    written by: 
    9 Idle Zen (iPd)
    written by: 
    10 Igo (Other)
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    11 Igor: The Game (DS)
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    12 Ikariam (Web)
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    13 Ikaruga (GC)
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    14 Immortal Redneck (PC)
    written by: 
    15 Immortality (PC)
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    16 Immortals Fenyx Rising (XBX X/S)
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    17 Impostor Factory (PC)
    written by: 
    18 In Other Waters (PC)
    written by: 
    19 In Sound Mind (PC)
    written by: 
    20 Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard (DS)
    written by: 
    21 Incredipede (PC)
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    22 Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PS2)
    written by: 
    23 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC)
    written by: 
    24 Indigo Prophecy (PC)
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    25 Infamous (PS3)
    written by: 
    26 Infamous 2 (PS3)
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    27 Infamous Second Son (PS4)
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    28 Infected (PSP)
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    29 Infinite Space (DS)
    written by: 
    30 Infinity Blade (iPd)
    written by: 
    31 Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (PS5)
    written by: 
    32 Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (PC)
    written by: 
    33 Inscryption (PS5)
    written by: 
    34 Inside (PC)
    written by: 
    35 Into the Breach (PC)
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    36 Into the Dead (iPd)
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    37 Introduction Blog (Other)
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    38 Intrusion 2 (PC)
    written by: 
    39 INVERSUS Deluxe (PC)
    written by: 
    40 Invisible, Inc. (PC)
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    41 Iridion 3D (GBA)
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    42 Iron Man 2 (DS)
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    43 It Takes Two (PC)
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    44 It's Mr. Pants (GBA)
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    Newest GameLogs
    1 : dkirschner's Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles (PC)
    2 : dkirschner's Trombone Champ (PC)
    3 : dkirschner's Divinity: Original Sin II (PC)
    4 : dkirschner's Quantum Conundrum (XBONE)
    5 : dkirschner's Do Not Feed the Monkeys (PC)
    6 : dkirschner's 60 Seconds! Reatomized (PC)
    7 : dkirschner's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PC)
    8 : dkirschner's Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
    9 : dkirschner's Astro's Playroom (PS5)
    10 : dkirschner's Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)
    Recently Closed GameLogs
    Recently Finished Games
    1 : dkirschner's Trombone Champ (PC)
    2 : dkirschner's Do Not Feed the Monkeys (PC)
    3 : dkirschner's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PC)
    4 : dkirschner's 60 Seconds! Reatomized (PC)
    5 : dkirschner's Astro's Playroom (PS5)
    6 : dkirschner's Rogue Legacy 2 (PS5)
    7 : dkirschner's Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)
    8 : dkirschner's Animal Well (PS5)
    9 : dkirschner's Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
    10 : dkirschner's Monstrum (XBONE)


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