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    bri's GameLog for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2)

    Friday 28 November, 2003

    Hard to believe my roomie and I were playing this for seven hours the other night. I haven't played a game for seven hours in ages.

    Anyway, not trying to show disrespect to Diablo, but Dark Alliance really does a better job of fitting my notion of an action rpg... more action, less rpg. DA actually gets to where it's really more an action game with developing characters more than anything else. Numeric development and powergaming (as well as dramatic inter-character interactions) take a back seat to old fashioned troll killin'. It was quite a trip.

    I'm kinda curious who modeled animated the barmaid that the inn where you go between missions while in Baldurs Gate though. She seems a bit... well.. oversexed. At times I'm not sure whether I'm reading in or crying wolf about something harmless, but she was a little too sexed up for my tastes. I mean, a little subtlety really wouldn't hurt.

    But then, I played the "elf chick", so what do I know. (My roomie grabbed the dwarf first, and who wants to be the bow guy. I want some spellage!)

    That said, one of the most fun bits was when we were both running around in scale armor... we looked like some kind of freaky twins. Stubby dwarf and tall elf running around in green and white pajamas fighting evil... with metal longjohns underneath. It was even funnier than when I was running around with a steel coif and worn leather everything else. Stupidest outfit ever!

    So in the end, Dark Alliance has taught me one important thing about digital rpgs (or at least their related action game cousins). Be careful how you accessorize.


    I played this game over a 3 weekends with a friend. It is AWESOME. We really enjoyed ourselves and there was no end to the carnage. Hehehe. I totally agree with you on the barmaid, we couldn't help but laugh out loud when we saw her for the first time. Silicone disaster.

    Friday 28 November, 2003 by jp
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