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    lpvillan's GameLog for God of War (PS2)

    Saturday 9 February, 2008

    Session 2


    The story has not gotten much interesting. What seems to be developing are the different powers I can combine with your combos. Also I really like that there is no limit to the red orbs you can get (which are kind of like a currency). Once you collect enough you can level up the weapon and then your combos become more powerful, more effective and battle becomes more bloody which really excites me. Also the variety of difficulty, sizes, and techniques of the enemies really put your new combos and “God powers” to the test.

    The game is fun to play, but I notice that its fun without thinking of the narrative. The story doesn’t interest me and I’m not playing because I care to find out more about Kronos. I’m a lot more anxious to get to Ares and see how I’d fare against a true God of war.


    One thing I really enjoyed in this game is the number of chests with different colored orbs that increased you health, “magic” and “power-up points” that were made readily available after segments in which you fight different enemies. This was good because after fighting my “magic” was always very low. I also liked that the camera angles were forced in a way so that the game always guided you to where to go. There was some flexibility (exploring or looking for more orbs) but the game didn’t really let you get lost.

    I also enjoyed the artwork; it made everything look realistic and made my attacks pleasurable to see and helped keep my interest. I also really liked that some things, like opening heavy doors required quickly pushing R2 multiple times to represent the force Kratos was using to pull up on the door. I think that really helped involved the player in a new “realistic” way because it’s a way to represent exerting force through the controller.

    One thing I noticed was the absence of “levels”. There are no clear level you move on to except that when you earn enough red orbs you can afford to “level” up and as you progress in the game and get closer to Ares you encounter enemies that are slightly harder or come in more numbers than before. You also are awarded powers from the Gods and that also seemed to me a type of reward/level hybrid because that usually marked you going into a new stage in the game in which that technique would be needed from then on until the next power.

    The only thing I’d probably change would be adding some more clothing on the poor girls. I’d probably also give them a breast reduction on account that I feel they might be suffering from back problems.


    Even if not much happened still talk about the game play aspects.
    -Chris Ward (gamer)

    Thursday 14 February, 2008 by fuzzyLombax
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