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    mel1117's GameLog for Mario Kart (Wii)

    Wednesday 5 March, 2008

    2ND GAMEPLAY: After getting some practice on the Koopa Troopa course, I was starting to finally feel a little better about racing my friends and doing better than last place each time. Finally, I got 3rd place and I was so happy. After that, we decided to try another course, and then I decided to play with another character. I decided to be Toad, and we tried the jungle course that I believed resembled a scene like Donkey Kong. I was doing a little better, which definitely made this round of gameplay a lot more enjoyable for me.

    Then, we decided to try the Rainbow course, which in my opinion is the hardest course in the whole game. There are a lot of steep hills, and it is extremely easy for the car to fall off the side into the black space. When this happens, you lose a lot of time and you get placed right at the space where your avatar fell. I did get last place again, but I was satisfied because I felt I had gained a lot more experience with it and I was definitely having more fun with the game. I'll probably play this game a lot more now.

    DESIGN: I am an extremely big fan of the graphics and the designs of each of the race courses in this game. There are a bunch of bright colors, and everything seems like it has a lot of detail. For example, like I mentioned earlier, the Koopa Troopa course had many detailed aspects about a beach, even including little moving red crabs. Little features like that gave each of the courses more of a realistic feel.

    I liked how even though this game is definitely not a platform game, it had some platform-like aspects. For example, in the Donkey Kong-like course, the avatar had to jump over the cracks of the cliffs in order to progress in the race and get the cubes containing the special powers. Also, in the Koopa Troopa course, there are ramps that your avatar must jump off in order to get a fast time in the race. Overall, the design aspects of this game are extremely appealing and they definitely drew me in to the gameworld and gameplay.


    A well-written look at a game from someone who's playing for the first time.

    - David Seagal (Grader)

    Monday 10 March, 2008 by Lagaes Rex
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