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    Yohantz's GameLog for Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)

    Tuesday 23 February, 2010

    my last time playing the game was intriguing. I start to realized that after i killed myself in the game i noticed the cutscenes that was shown throughout the whole game. I finally paid attention to them. They werent the cutscenes of dead students but they were cutscenes of the emotions of the people that witnessed the event. That struck in me as the game designer was trying to make a point. He was showing the people emotions not to praise the game but to show the aftermath and after effect to show people what happen. I played this game all the way to the first couple of minutes of the hell part which i thought was stupid. THe game was to me prolonged and boring. I still felt applaud by the game but i felt as if thats was the game designers goal for the player. This game was hrrible and made me think of m own morals. More than likely i will never pick this game up again and i dont agree with the making of the game. MY last thought is that this game couldnt have been made for fun it mustve been made to make a point of something and i hope the game designer acheiver his goal.


    "MY last thought is that this game couldnt have been made for fun it mustve been made to make a point of something"

    What point do you think he was trying to make? And, is it ok to make a game NOT for fun?

    Tuesday 2 March, 2010 by jp
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