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    Jan 1st, 2025 at 14:19:59     -    Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (PS5)

    Finished it!

    And yes, it does not disappoint with additional inventive and silly and creative levels. There's one that's an escape room! Little puzzles that must be solved while also doing the DDR thing in between....

    I am so glad I played this, and yes - it's rough and lacks polish in lots of areas. BUT, it makes up for it in creativity and silliness and creativity.

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    Dec 27th, 2024 at 15:54:24     -    Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (PS5)

    Picked this up for the holidays because it's couch co-op and seemed really odd. And it is! But in a good way. I can only describe it as a weird combination of DDR and Overcooked. But, it's also has some easy/loose adventure game vibes as you wander around different locations picking stuff up, and so on. But, it's mostly the rhythm action scenarios that are the "thing" that makes this game shine in its own weird way. The Overcooked angle comes in because the DDR thing is a part of the game world and you need to stand on a special spot to "play" the rhythm action and, depending on the scenario, you or your partner(s) or everyone might need to leave the DDR spot to take care of stuff in the rest of the area. This might be picking up objects and delivering them to some other place in the area (all single screen with no scrolling, btw), shooting things with a fixed placement laser gun, fending off weird plant guys, etc. There's even one mission where you must alternate between two rhythm action games - on one you shoot a monster and on the other you repair your the premise is that your characters (in the game) are playing a's all very meta and strange.

    My favorite so far, just because it was so funny - was a mission in which the DDR tracks come done regularly, but the "board" they're on starts to rotate! And it gets going really fast, back and forth, in one direction, changing directions, and it made the DDR matching part super tricky and braintwisty and laugh out loud funny because it looked so ridiculous.

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    Dec 24th, 2024 at 14:25:28     -    Tunic (PS5)

    I had to stop playing to move on to other games (for class)...but I really wanted to come back to this.

    I was stuck in the cathedral...and worried because I had died a few times and it wasn't looking good.

    Good news! I remembered a bit more than I thought, and it soon came back to me...though I did get a bit of help from my son who was watching and reminding me of stuff (hey, remember you have a shield). He also suggested a strategy for the final cathedral fight which I was able to pull off. So, yay!

    I've since finished the cathedral, picked up a bunch of map pieces and then figured out (almost by chance) where I was supposed to use the new extended dash/blink ability. I've since picked up all the extra bonus items and I think the next step is for me to take on giant ghost fox! This feels like getting close to the end. :-)

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    Dec 24th, 2024 at 14:18:05     -    Hades (PC)

    I've kept on playing Hades. Slowly making progress, learning more about the different characters.. Etc.

    And yes, things slowly got a bit easier thanks to God mode (currently at %50 less damage)...but I had an epiphany.

    Hades is a free-to-play that isn't F2P. I don't say that as an insult. I just mean that in terms of its structure and the amount of repetition feel structurally very much like a F2P games. There aren't time or cash gates - but there are things you can only "advance on" once per run. And with a run being ~40 minutes for me, that adds up...if you want to give a god a gift. It takes, I don't know...8 or so? Of course, you can gift multiple gods in a run, but you can't earn that many nectar for them...and so on. Everything needs leveling. Unlocking. Etc.

    Now, many people were super drawn in by the story and don't mind the slow progress you make over runs. Some people REALLY enjoy the core loop of each run. And yes, it's fun - but, for me, not THAT fun. I started to get a bit bored and a bit tired. So. Yeah. I'm done.

    I mean, I easily played 20 hrs. Easily. And I did beat Hades - so at least I got to see Persephone, but I'm not excited to beat Hades 10 more times (or whatever it is) to move the story along enough...

    So, it has a F2P structure of slowly doling things out - but I do think it's interesting that the game's narrative is a big part of this. It's not just gameplay that gets doled out.

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    1ピンボール (Pinball) (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
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    410000000 (iPd)Finished playing
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    6101 in 1 Explosive Megamix (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    7101 in 1 Sports Megamix (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    811-11:Memories Retold (PS4)Finished playing
    91971: Project Helios (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    102064: Read Only Memories (PS4)Finished playing
    113 Tiles (iPd)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    125th Blue Conquest (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    137 Wonders: Treasures of Seven (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    14A Highland Song (PC)Playing
    15A Way Out (PS4)Finished playing
    16Absolute Drift: Zen Edition (PS4)Finished playing
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    18Accounting+ (PS4)Finished playing
    19Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)Finished playing
    20Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (PS2)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    21Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS)Finished playing
    22Advance Wars 2:Black Hole Rising (GBA)Finished playing
    23Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)Finished playing
    24Advance Wars: Dual Strike (DS)Finished playing
    25Adventure Capitalist (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    26Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd you Steal our Garbage?!! (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    27Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault (VITA)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    28Aero the Acrobat (GBA)Finished playing
    29Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (PS4)Finished playing
    30Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    31Air Traffic Chaos (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    32Alice in Wonderland (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
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    38Angry Birds (iPd)Finished playing
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    46Aqua Aqua (PS2)Finished playing
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    48Archer Maclean's Mercury (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    49Arctic Tale (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
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    52Around the World in 80 Days (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    53Assassin's Creed 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    54Assassin's Creed Chronicles (VITA)Playing
    55Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    56Assassins Creed (PS3)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    57Astebreed (PS4)Finished playing
    58Asterix and Obelix XXL2: Roman Rumble in Las Vegum (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    59Asteroids (Arcade)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    60Astro Bot (PS5)Playing
    61Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (PS4)Finished playing
    62Astro Boy: Omega Factor (GBA)Finished playing
    63Astro Boy: The Video Game (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    64Astro's Playroom (PS5)Finished playing
    65Astrologaster (PC)Playing
    66Atari Classics Evolved (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    67Audiosurf (PC)Playing
    68Awesomenauts Assemble! (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    69B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    70B-17 Fortress in the Sky (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    71Baba is You (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    72Bakugan: Battle Brawlers (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    73Balatro (PC)Played occasionally
    74Balloon Pop (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    75Balls of Fury (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    76Bangai-O: Spirits (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    77Bastion (PC)Finished playing
    78Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (VITA)Finished playing
    79Batman: Arkham VR (PS4)Finished playing
    80Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    81Battlefield 1 (PS4)Finished playing
    82Battlefield 4 (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    83Battletech (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    84Battlezone (Arcade)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    85Battlezone (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    86Beat City (DS)Finished playing
    87Bee Simulator (PS4)Finished playing
    88Before I Forget (PC)Finished playing
    89Beglitched (PC)Playing
    90Beijing 2008 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
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    92Ben 10 Galactic Racing (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    93Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    94Beta Bloc (PSP)Finished playing
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    100Bit Generations: Dotstream (GBA)Playing
    101Bit.Trip.Runner (PC)Playing
    102Black Mesa (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    103Bladestorm: Nightmare (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    104Blinx: The Timesweeper (XBX)Stopped playing - Something better came along
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    112Borderlands (PS3)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    113Borderlands 2 (VITA)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    114Boulder Dash EX (GBA)Finished playing
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    116Brain Age:Train your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    117Broforce (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    118Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut (DS)Finished playing
    119Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3)Finished playing
    120Brutal Legend (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    121Bully (PS2)Finished playing
    122Burly Men at Sea (PS4)Finished playing
    123Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    124Burnout Legends (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    125Burnout Paradise (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    126Burrito Bison: Launcha Libre (iPd)Finished playing
    127Bust a Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix (PS)Playing
    128Bust-A-Move (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    129Call of Duty (PC)Finished playing
    130Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3)Finished playing
    131Call of Duty MW3 Defiance (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    132Call of Duty WWII (PS4)Finished playing
    133Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)Finished playing
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    135Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    136Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4)Finished playing
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    139Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3)Finished playing
    140Call of Juarez (PC)Finished playing
    141Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed (PSP)Playing
    142Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    143Card Thief (iPd)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    144Carnival Games (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    145Carto (PS4)Finished playing
    146Castle Crashers (PS3)Finished playing
    147Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)Finished playing
    148Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    149Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    150Catherine (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    151CD 2 Trap Master (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    152Celeste (PS4)Finished playing
    153Cell to Singularity (iPd)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    154Centipede Infestation (3DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    155Champions of Norrath: Realms of Everquest (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    156Championship Pony (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    157Chariot (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    158Chibi Robo: Park Patrol (DS)Finished playing
    159Chibi-Robo (GC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    160Chicken Blaster (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    161Child of Eden (PS3)Playing
    162Child of Light (VITA)Finished playing
    163Chocolatier (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    164Chrono Trigger (DS)Finished playing
    165ChuChu Rocket (DC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    166Clash of Clans (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    167Cloudpunk (PS4)Finished playing
    168Club Penguin: Herbert's Revenge (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    169Cobalt Core (PC)Playing
    170Cocoon (PC)Playing
    171Coded Arms (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    172Contact (DS)Finished playing
    173Contra 4 (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    174Control (PS5)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    175Cookie Clicker (Web)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    176Cookies & Cream (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    177Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    178Cooking Mama 3 (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    179COP: The Recruit (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    180Counterspy (PS3)Finished playing
    181Cradle of Rome (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    182Crash Bandicoot: N-Tranced (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    183Crash Boom Bang! (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    184Crime Lab: Body of Evidence (DS)Finished playing
    185Crime Scene (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    186CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    187Culdcept (PS2)Finished playing
    188Cuphead (Switch)Playing
    189Curses 'n Chaos (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    190Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4)Playing
    191Dagedar (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    192Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    193Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (VITA)Finished playing
    194Daniel X The Ultimate Power (DS)Finished playing
    195Dante's Inferno (PS3)Finished playing
    196Dark Void (PS3)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    197Daxter (PSP)Finished playing
    198Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PS4)Finished playing
    199de Blob 2 (DS)Finished playing
    200de Blob 2 (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    201Dead Cells (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    202Dead Head Fred (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    203Dead Island (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    204Dead Nation (PS3)Playing
    205Dead Rising 2 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    206Dear Esther (PS4)Finished playing
    207Death Jr. (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    208Deathloop (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    209Delve Deeper (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    210Dementium II (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    211Dementium: The Ward (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    212Demon's Souls (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    213Desktop Tower Defense (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    214Despicable Me: The Game: Minion Mayhem (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    215Destiny (PS4)Finished playing
    216Destiny 2 (PS4)Played occasionally
    217Detroit: Become Human (PS4)Finished playing
    218Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3)Finished playing
    219Devil May Cry (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    220Devil May Cry 5 (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    221Devilish (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    222Diablo III (PS3)Finished playing
    223Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PS4)Finished playing
    224Diamond Trust of London (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    225Dice Wars (Web)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    226Dicey Dungeons (PC)Playing
    227Dig Dug: Digging Strike (DS)Finished playing
    228Disaster Report (PS2)Finished playing
    229Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    230Dishonored (PS3)Finished playing
    231Disney Infinity (PS3)Playing
    232Disney's Toon Town Online (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    233Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    234Divinity: Original Sin (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    235DJ Star (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    236DK: King of Swing (GBA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    237Do-Konjou Shougakussei: Bon Bita - Hadaka no Choujou Ketsusen!! Bita vs. Dokuro Dei! (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    238Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (3DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    239Dokuro (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    240Don't Starve (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    241Donkey Kong Country (GBA)Finished playing
    242Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC)Finished playing
    243Donut County (PS4)Finished playing
    244Doodle Hex (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    245Doom (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    246DOOM (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    247Doom III (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    248Downwell (VITA)Playing
    249Dragon Age: Origins (PS3)Finished playing
    250Dragon Quest Builders (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    251Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS)Finished playing
    252Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)Finished playing
    253Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    254Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS)Finished playing
    255Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (DS)Finished playing
    256Dragon's Crown (VITA)Finished playing
    257Dragon's Lair (DS)Finished playing
    258Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    259Drawn to Life (DS)Finished playing
    260Dream Pinball (DS)Playing
    261Drive! Drive! Drive! (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    262Driveclub VR (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    263Dropcast (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    264Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    265Duel Masters: Sempai Legends (GBA)Finished playing
    266Duke Nukem Forever (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    267Dungeon Maker (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    268Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony (PSP)Finished playing
    269Dungeons & Dragons Tactics (PSP)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    270Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder (GBA)Finished playing
    271Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    272Dynasty Warriors Next (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    273Eagle Flight (PS4)Playing
    274Earth Defense Force 2025 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    275Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    276Earth Defense Force 4.1 (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    277Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (PS3)Finished playing
    278Earth Dragon (iPd)Playing
    279Eco Creatures: Save the Forest (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    280Egg Inc. (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    281Elden Ring (PS5)Playing
    282Electroplankton (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    283Elements of Destruction (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    284Elite Beat Agents (DS)Finished playing
    285Empires & Puzzles (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    286Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3)Finished playing
    287Enter the Gungeon (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    288Enter the Matrix (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    289Escape from Monkey Island (PS2)Finished playing
    290Escape the Museum (DS)Finished playing
    291Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)Playing
    292EVE Valkyrie (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    293Every Extend Extra (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    294Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4)Finished playing
    295Exit (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    296Exit DS (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    297Fallout 3 (360)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    298Far Cry (PC)Finished playing
    299Far Cry 4 (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    300Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    301Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS)Finished playing
    302Fez (PS3)Playing
    303Field Commander (PSP)Finished playing
    304Fights in Tight Spaces (PC)Playing
    305Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (GBA)Finished playing
    306Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (DS)Playing
    307Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    308Firewatch (PS4)Finished playing
    309Flash Focus (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    310FlatOut (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    311Flight Control HD (iPd)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    312Flipnic (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    313Flipper Critters (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    314Florence (iPd)Finished playing
    315Flower (PS3)Finished playing
    316Flower, Sun, and Rain (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    317For the King (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    318Frederic - The Resurrection of Music (iPd)Finished playing
    319Freedom Fighters (GC)Finished playing
    320Freedom Wars (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    321Frequency (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    322Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    323FTL (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    324FutureU (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    325Galactic Quest + Atlantic Quest (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    326GALAK-Z: The Void (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    327Game of Thrones (PS4)Finished playing
    328Games Around the World (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    329Gardening Mama (DS)Finished playing
    330Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    331Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    332Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    333Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    334Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    335Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)Finished playing
    336Ghost Squad (Wii)Finished playing
    337Ghost Trick (DS)Finished playing
    338Ghostbusters: The Video Game (PSP)Finished playing
    339Gitaroo Man Lives! (PSP)Finished playing
    340Gladius (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    341Glory of Heracles (DS)Finished playing
    342GNOG (PC)Finished playing
    343Go! Go! Beckham! Adventure of Soccer Island (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    344Go! Go! Cosmo Cops! (DS)Finished playing
    345God of War (PS2)Finished playing
    346God of War 2 (PS2)Finished playing
    347God of War: Ascension (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    348God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)Finished playing
    349Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (GC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    350Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA)Finished playing
    351Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    352Gone Home (PS4)Finished playing
    353Good Sudoku (iPd)Playing
    354Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    355Gradius Collection (PSP)Playing
    356Grand Guilds (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    357Grand Theft Auto (GBA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    358Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)Playing
    359Grand Theft Auto III (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    360Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    361Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS)Finished playing
    362Gravity Rush (VITA)Finished playing
    363Grease (DS)Finished playing
    364Greedfall (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    365Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball MAX'D (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    366Griftlands (PC)Playing
    367Grindstone (iPd)Playing
    368Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series (PS4)Finished playing
    369Guitar Hero (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    370Guitar Hero II (PS2)Playing
    371GunBound (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    372Gunfire Reborn (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    373Gungrave (PS2)Finished playing
    374Gungrave VR (PS4)Finished playing
    375Hadean Tactics (PC)Playing
    376Hades (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    377Half-Life 2 (PC)Finished playing
    378Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (PC)Finished playing
    379Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (PC)Finished playing
    380Half-Minute Hero (PSP)Playing
    381Halo:Combat Evolved (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    382Hammerin' Hero (PSP)Finished playing
    383Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    384Has-Been Heroes (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    385Hearthstone (iPd)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    386Heavy Rain (PS3)Finished playing
    387Helldivers (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    388Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    389Heracles: Battle with the Gods (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    390Here They Lie (PS4)Finished playing
    391Hidden Folks (iPd)Playing
    392Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace (DS)Finished playing
    393Hidden Objects: Mystery Stories (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    394Hitman GO (iPd)Playing
    395Hohokum (PS3)Finished playing
    396Holedown (iPd)Finished playing
    397Hollow Knight (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    398Homefront (PS3)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    399Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth Remix (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    400Hot Potato (GBA)Finished playing
    401Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS)Finished playing
    402Hotline Miami (VITA)Finished playing
    403House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)Finished playing
    404Hue (PS4)Finished playing
    405Hustle Kings VR (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    406Hyperlight Drifter (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    407I Spy Universe (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    408I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (PC)Playing
    409Ico (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    410Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    411Idle Zen (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    412Igor: The Game (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    413Ikariam (Web)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    414Immortal Redneck (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    415Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    416Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    417Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC)Playing
    418Infamous Second Son (PS4)Finished playing
    419Infected (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    420Infinite Space (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    421Inscryption (PC)Finished playing
    422Inside (PS4)Finished playing
    423Into the Breach (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    424Iridion 3D (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    425Iron Man 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    426It's Mr. Pants (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    427Jack Bros. (VB)Playing
    428Jak II (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    429Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles (DS)Finished playing
    430Jake Power: Fireman (DS)Finished playing
    431Jake Power: Handyman (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    432James Bond 007: Bloodstone (DS)Finished playing
    433James Patterson Women's Murder Club: Games of Passion (DS)Finished playing
    434Jeanne D'Arc (PSP)Finished playing
    435Jet Grind Radio (GBA)Playing
    436Jetpack Joyride (iPd)Finished playing
    437Jewel Link Chronicles: Mountains of Madness (DS)Finished playing
    438Jewel Master: Egypt (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    439Jewel Quest II (Web)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    440Jotun (PS4)Finished playing
    441Journey (PS3)Finished playing
    442Katamari Damacy (PS2)Finished playing
    443Katamari Forever (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    444Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth (PS4)Finished playing
    445Kentucky Route Zero (PS5)Finished playing
    446Kero Blaster (PS4)Finished playing
    447KeyWe (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    448Killzone 3 (PS3)Finished playing
    449Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4)Finished playing
    450Killzone: Liberation (PSP)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    451Killzone: Mercenary (VITA)Finished playing
    452King of Thieves (iPd)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    453King's Quest: The Complete Collection (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    454Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS)Finished playing
    455Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA)Finished playing
    456Kingdom: New Lands (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    457Kingsway (PC)Playing
    458Kirby Mass Attack (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    459Kirby: Canvas Curse (DS)Finished playing
    460Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    461Knack (PS4)Finished playing
    462Knights of Pen & Paper (iPd)Playing
    463Knytt Underground (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    464Kung Fu Rider (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    465Kung Zhu (DS)Finished playing
    466Kurupoto: Cool Cool Stars (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    467L.A. Noire (PS3)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    468Lady Sia (GBA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    469Last King of Africa (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    470Le Tour de France 2016 (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    471Left 4 Dead (PC)Played occasionally
    472Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)Playing
    473Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest (GC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    474Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC)Finished playing
    475Legend of Zelda: the Minish Cap (GBA)Finished playing
    476Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (VITA)Finished playing
    477Lego Batman: The Videogame (Wii)Finished playing
    478Lego Battles (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    479Lego Battles: Ninjago (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    480Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    481Lego Jurassic World (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    482Lego Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey (VITA)Finished playing
    483Lego Marvel Super Heroes (VITA)Finished playing
    484Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    485Lego Rock Band (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    486Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (GC)Finished playing
    487Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (GC)Finished playing
    488Letter Quest Remastered (PS4)Finished playing
    489Life is Strange (PS4)Finished playing
    490Life Is Strange: Before The Storm (PS4)Finished playing
    491Limbo (VITA)Finished playing
    492Line Rider 2: Unbound (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    493Lionel Trains: On Track (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    494Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    495Little Deviants (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    496Little Dragons Café (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    497Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    498LittleBigPlanet (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    499Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story (PC)Playing
    500Loading Human: Chapter 1 (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    501Lock's Quest (DS)Finished playing
    502LocoRoco (PSP)Finished playing
    503LocoRoco 2 (PSP)Finished playing
    504Logic Machines (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    505Loop Hero (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    506Lord of the Rings: Conquest (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    507Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (GBA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    508Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (PS4)Playing
    509Lufia: The Legend Returns (GBC)Finished playing
    510Lumines (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    511M&M's Break 'Em (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    512M. Night Shyamalan: The Last Airbender (DS)Finished playing
    513Madagascar 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    514Madworld (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    515Mages of Mystralia (PS4)Finished playing
    516Magic: Puzzle Quest (iPd)Playing
    517Magical Starsign (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    518Mah Jong Quest Expeditions (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    519Mahjong Journey: Quest for Tikal (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    520Major League Baseball 2K12 (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    521Man of Medan (PS4)Finished playing
    522Manhunt (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    523Manifold Garden (PC)Playing
    524March of the Penguins (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    525Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)Finished playing
    526Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)Finished playing
    527Mario Golf: Advance Tour (GBA)Finished playing
    528Mario Kart Super Circuit (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    529Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    530Mario Party 8 (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    531Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    532Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    533Marker Man Adventures (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    534Marvel Snap (iPd)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    535Marvel Strike Force (iPd)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    536Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    537Marvel's Avengers (PS4)Finished playing
    538Marvel's Iron Man VR (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    539Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)Finished playing
    540Mass Effect: Andromeda (PS4)Finished playing
    541Master of Illusion (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    542Matt Hoffman's Prox BMX (GBA)Finished playing
    543Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    544Max Payne 3 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    545Maximo vs Army of Zin (PS2)Finished playing
    546Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2)Finished playing
    547Me & My Katamari (PSP)Finished playing
    548Medal of Honor (PS3)Finished playing
    549Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2)Finished playing
    550Mega Man Battle Network 3 White (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    551Metal Gear AC!D 2 (PSP)Finished playing
    552Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    553Metal Slug XX (PSP)Finished playing
    554Metal Slug XX (PS4)Finished playing
    555Metal: Hellsinger (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    556Meteos (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    557Metroid Fusion (GBA)Finished playing
    558Metroid Prime (GC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    559Metroid Prime Pinball (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    560Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA)Finished playing
    561Michael Jackson: The Experience (DS)Finished playing
    562Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    563Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    564Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes (DS)Finished playing
    565Minecraft Dungeons (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    566Mini Metro (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    567Miniclip Sushi Go-Round (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    568Minit (PS4)Finished playing
    569Mirror's Edge (iPd)Finished playing
    570Missile Cards (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    571ModNation Racers (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    572ModNation Racers:Roadtrip (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    573Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (DS)Finished playing
    574Mojo! (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    575Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge (iPd)Finished playing
    576Monkey King: Hero is Back (PS4)Finished playing
    577Monkey Madness: Island Escape (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    578Monster Hunter Now (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    579Monster Jam Urban Assault (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    580Monument Valley (iPd)Finished playing
    581Moon (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    582Moonlighter (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    583MotorStorm (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    584Motorstorm: Apocalypse (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    585Moving Out (PS4)Finished playing
    586Mr. Driller Drill Spirits (DS)Finished playing
    587Muramasa Rebirth (VITA)Finished playing
    588Murder in Venice (DS)Finished playing
    589Musynx (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    590Mutant Mudds Deluxe (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    591Mutazione (PS4)Finished playing
    592My Farm: Around the World (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    593My Friends (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    594Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    595Mystery P.I.: Portrait of a Thief (DS)Finished playing
    596N+ (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    597Nanaca Crash (Web)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    598Need for Speed Underground 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    599Neon Chrome (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    600Neon White (PC)Playing
    601Neopets Puzzle Adventure (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    602Neurovoider (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    603New Gundam Breaker (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    604New International Track & Field (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    605New Little King's Story (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    606Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)Finished playing
    607Niche: A Genetics Survival Game (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    608Nier: Automata (PS4)Finished playing
    609Night of Full Moon (iPd)Playing
    610Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition (PS4)Finished playing
    611Ninjatown (DS)Finished playing
    612Nitro+ Blasterz: Heroines of Infinite Duel (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    613No Plan B (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    614Noita (PC)Playing
    615Nonstop Knight (iPd)Playing
    616Northgard (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    617Octodad (PS4)Finished playing
    618Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    619Old Man's Journey (iPd)Finished playing
    620OMG 26: Our Mini Games (DS)Finished playing
    621One Piece: Gigant Battle! (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    622Onechanbara Z2: Chaos (PS4)Finished playing
    623Onrush (PS4)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    624Ontarama (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    625Operation Warcade (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    626Operation: Vietnam (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    627Orcs & Elves (DS)Finished playing
    628Orgarhythm (VITA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    629Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (PC)Playing
    630Osmos (PC)Playing
    631Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (DS)Finished playing
    632Outrun 2: Coast 2 Coast (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    633Overcooked (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    634Overcooked 2 (PS4)Playing
    635Override 2: Super Mech League (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    636Oxenfree (PS4)Finished playing
    637Pac 'n Roll (DS)Finished playing
    638Panel de Pon DS (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    639Pang Adventures (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    640Paper Beast (PS4)Finished playing
    641Papo & Yo (PS3)Finished playing
    642Paradise Killer (PC)Playing
    643PaRappa the Rapper (PSP)Finished playing
    644Parappa the Rapper 2 (PS2)Finished playing
    645Parrot Pals (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    646Parsec 47 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    647Patapon (PSP)Finished playing
    648Patapon 2 (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    649Patrick's Parabox (PC)Playing
    650PDC World Championship Darts (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    651Peggle Extreme (PC)Finished playing
    652Pendragon (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    653Persona 4: Dancing All Night (VITA)Finished playing
    654Persona 5 Strikers (PS4)Playing
    655Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    656Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)Finished playing
    657Phoenix Wright: Justice For All (DS)Finished playing
    658Photographs (PC)Finished playing
    659Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    660Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection (PSP)Playing
    661Pinball Tycoon (GBA)Playing
    662Pixeljunk Monsters Deluxe (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    663Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate (VITA)Playing
    664Plants vs Zombies HD (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    665Plants vs. Zombies Heroes (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    666Platypus (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    667Playmobil: Knights (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    668Please, Don't Touch Anything! (PC)Playing
    669Pokemon Conquest (DS)Finished playing
    670Pokémon Diamond (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    671Pokémon Go (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    672Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    673Pokemon Pinball (GBC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    674Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (GBA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    675Pokemon Unite (Switch)Playing
    676Pokemon X (3DS)Finished playing
    677Polarium (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    678PoPoLoCrois (PSP)Finished playing
    679Portal (PC)Finished playing
    680Portal 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    681Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    682Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    683Prism: Light the Way (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    684Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    685Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)Finished playing
    686Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (DS)Finished playing
    687Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS)Finished playing
    688Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call (DS)Finished playing
    689Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS)Finished playing
    690Psyvariar Delta (PS4)Finished playing
    691Puchi Puchi Virus (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    692Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary (DS)Finished playing
    693Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition (3DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    694Puzzle de Harvest Moon (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    695Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (DS)Finished playing
    696Puzzle Quest: Galactrix (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    697Quantum Conundrum (PS3)Finished playing
    698Quick Yoga Training (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    699Quiz & Dragons (Arcade)Finished playing
    700Radial-G: Racing Evolved (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    701Radiant Historia (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    702Rainbow Islands Revolution (DS)Finished playing
    703Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (PS2)Finished playing
    704Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (PSP)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    705Ratropolis (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    706Rayman Legends (VITA)Playing
    707Rayman Origins (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    708Rayman Origins (VITA)Playing
    709Rayman Rabbids: TV Party (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    710Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    711Read Dead Redemption (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    712Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    713Remember Me (PS3)Finished playing
    714République (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    715Resistance: Burning Skies (VITA)Finished playing
    716Resistance: Retribution (PSP)Finished playing
    717Retro Game Challenge (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    718Return of the Obra Dinn (PC)Playing
    719Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    720Rez (DC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    721Rez Infinite (PS4)Playing
    722Rhythm Heaven (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    723Ridge Racer DS (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    724Rime (PS4)Finished playing
    725Rip Them Off (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    726Rise of Nations (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    727Risk of Rain 2 (PS4)Finished playing
    728River City Super Sports Challenge (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    729Robotech: Battlecry (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    730Robotron 2084 (Arcade)Finished playing
    731Rock Band Unplugged (PSP)Finished playing
    732Rock Blast (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    733Rock of Ages III: Make & Break (PS4)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    734Rogue Legacy (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    735Rooms: The Main Building (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    736Royal Match (iPd)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    737Runbow (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    738Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    739Sam Power: Footballer (DS)Finished playing
    740Savage Skies (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    741Sayonara Wildhearts (PS4)Finished playing
    742Scribblenauts (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    743Sea Monsters; A Prehistoric Adventure (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    744Seek and Destroy (PS2)Finished playing
    745Senran Kagura Estival Versus (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    746Shadow Warrior (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    747Shaman King: Master of Spirits (GBA)Finished playing
    748Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (PS4)Finished playing
    749Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    750Shootas, Blood & Teef (Switch)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    751Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    752Sid Meir's Pirates! (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    753Signs of the Sojourner (PC)Finished playing
    754SimCity Creator (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    755Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    756Skulls of the Shogun (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    757Sky Force (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    758Skylanders (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    759Skylanders Swap Force (3DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    760Slay the Spire (PC)Played occasionally
    761Slingo Quest (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    762Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2)Finished playing
    763SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    764Snood 2: On Vacation (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    765SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    766SolForge (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    767Solitaire Overload (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    768Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    769Sonic Advance (GBA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    770Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    771Sonic Colors (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    772Sonic Mania (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    773Sonic Rush Adventure (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    774Soul Bubbles (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    775Soul Sacrifice (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    776Space Channel 5 Special Edition (PS2)Playing
    777Space Hulk: Ascension (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    778Space Hulk: Deathwing (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    779Space Invaders Extreme (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    780Space Marine (PS3)Finished playing
    781Spaceplan (PS4)Finished playing
    782Spec Ops: The Line (PS3)Finished playing
    783Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    784Spiderman 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    785Spiderman: The Movie (GBA)Finished playing
    786Spiritfarer (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    787Split/Second (PS3)Finished playing
    788Spore Creatures (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    789Sproggiwood (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    790Sprung (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    791Spy Hunter (VITA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    792Spyro: Hidden Legacy (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    793Stacklands (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    794Star Fox Command (DS)Played occasionally
    795Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    796Star Realms (iPd)Playing
    797Star Trek Bridge Crew (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    798Star Trek: Tactical Assault (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    799Star Wars Battlefront (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    800Star Wars Battlefront II (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    801Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    802Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (GC)Playing
    803Star Wars Starfighter (PS2)Finished playing
    804Star Wars The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    805Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (DS)Playing
    806Star Wars: Lethal Alliance (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    807Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    808Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (PS3)Finished playing
    809Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC)Finished playing
    810Steamworld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt (VITA)Finished playing
    811Steel Horizon (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    812Steeldiver (3DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    813Stick it to the Man (PS4)Finished playing
    814Stitch Jam (DS)Finished playing
    815Stormbound (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    816Strange Brigade (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    817Stranglehold (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    818Stray (PS5)Finished playing
    819Stronghold: Crusader (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    820Subnautica (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    821Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (PS5)Finished playing
    822Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (GBA)Playing
    823Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)Finished playing
    824Super Mario 64 DS (DS)Finished playing
    825Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)Finished playing
    826Super Mario Sunshine (GC)Finished playing
    827Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (GBA)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    828Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    829Super Princess Peach (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    830Super Scribblenauts (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    831Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    832SUPERHOT (PC)Playing
    833Superliminal (PC)Playing (iPd)Playing
    835Sword & Poker (iPd)Playing
    836Sword & Poker (iPd)Playing
    837T.A.C. Heroes: Big Red One (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    838Tacoma (PS4)Finished playing
    839Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis (GBA)Finished playing
    840Tak: Mojo Mistake (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    841Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (VITA)Finished playing
    842Tales of the Borderlands (PS4)Finished playing
    843Tapper (Arcade)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    844Team Fortress 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    845Tearaway (VITA)Finished playing
    846Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    847Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (PS4)Finished playing
    848Terra Nil (PC)Playing
    849Tetris Effect (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    850Tetris Party Deluxe (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    851Tharsis (PC)Playing
    852That Dragon, Cancer (PC)Finished playing
    853The Angry Birds 2 Movie: Under Pressure VR (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    854The Bard's Tale (PS2)Finished playing
    855The Battle of Polytopia (iPd)Finished playing
    856The Case of the Golden Idol (PC)Playing
    857The Cave (PS3)Finished playing
    858The Daring Game for Girls (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    859The Division 2 (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    860The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk (PS4)Finished playing
    861The Last Guardian (PS4)Finished playing
    862The Last of Us (PS3)Finished playing
    863The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)Finished playing
    864The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)Finished playing
    865The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS)Playing
    866The Legendary Starfy (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    867The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS3)Finished playing
    868The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    869The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    870The Making of Karateka (PC)Playing
    871The Mark of Kri (PS2)Finished playing
    872The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor (PS4)Finished playing
    873The Muppets Movie Adventures (VITA)Finished playing
    874The Occupation (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    875The Princess and the Frog (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    876The Procession to Calvary (PC)Finished playing
    877The Red Strings Club (PC)Finished playing
    878The Rub Rabbits! (DS)Finished playing
    879The Sexy Brutale (PS4)Finished playing
    880The Simpsons Game (DS)Finished playing
    881The Sims Bustin' Out (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    882The Talos Principle (PS4)Finished playing
    883The Unfinished Swan (PS3)Finished playing
    884The Walking Dead: Episode 1 (PS3)Finished playing
    885The Walking Dead: Road to Survival (iPd)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    886The Walking Dead: Season 2 (VITA)Finished playing
    887The Walking Dead: Season One (PS3)Finished playing
    888The Wolf Among Us (VITA)Finished playing
    889The World Ends With You (DS)Finished playing
    890They Are Coming! (iPd)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    891Thief (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    892Thomas was Alone (VITA)Finished playing
    893Thumper (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    894Tiger Woods PGA Tour (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    895Tim Power: Policeman (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    896Time Ace (DS)Finished playing
    897Time Hollow (DS)Finished playing
    898Tingle's Balloon Fight DS (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    899Titanfall 2 (PS4)Finished playing
    900Titanic (DS)Finished playing
    901Tokobot (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    902Tom Clancy's Endwar (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    903Tom Clancy's EndWar (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    904Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars (3DS)Finished playing
    905Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    906Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 (PS3)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    907Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    908Torus Trooper (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    909Touch Darts (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    910Touch Detective 2 1/2 (DS)Finished playing
    911Touch Mechanic (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    912Touch Panic (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    913Tower Madness (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    914Tower of Guns (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    915Toy Story 3 (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    916Trace Memory (DS)Finished playing
    917Trackmania Turbo: Build to Race (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    918Train Conductor (iPd)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    919Train Sim World 2: Collector's Edition (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    920Transistor (PS4)Finished playing
    921Trauma Center: Under the Knife (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    922Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    923Treasure World (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    924Trillion: God of Destruction (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    925Triple Town (iPd)Playing
    926Trover Saves the Universe (PS4)Finished playing
    927True Swing GOlf (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    928Tsumiki: The Infernal Tower (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    929Tunic (PS5)Finished playing
    930Turn It Around (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    931Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    932Umurangi Generation (PC)Finished playing
    933Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)Finished playing
    934Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)Finished playing
    935Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)Finished playing
    936Undertale (PC)Playing
    937Unexplored 2 (PC)Playing
    938Unit 13 (VITA)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    939Unsolved Crimes (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    940Until Dawn (PS4)Finished playing
    941Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS4)Finished playing
    942Untitled Goose Game (PC)Playing
    943Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (PSP)Finished playing
    944Uplink (PC)Playing
    945Urban Dead (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    946USA Today Crossword Challenge (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    947Vader Immortal: Episode I (PS4)Finished playing
    948Vader Immortal: Episode II (PS4)Finished playing
    949Vader Immortal: Episode III (PS4)Finished playing
    950Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS3)Finished playing
    951Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    952Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Arcade)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    953Velocity Ultra (VITA)Playing
    954Viewtiful Joe (GC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    955Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble (DS)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    956Virtua Tennis (DC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    957Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition (VITA)Finished playing
    958Virtual Boy Wario Land (VB)Playing
    959Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    960Void Bastards (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    961Wappydog (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    962Wargroove (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    963Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (PC)Finished playing
    964Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command (PSP)Finished playing
    965Wario Ware Touched! (DS)Finished playing
    966Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgame$ (GBA)Finished playing
    967Wario: Master of Disguise (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    968Warsaw (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    969Watchdogs (PS4)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    970Wattam (PS4)Finished playing
    971We Ski (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    972What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2 (PSP)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    973What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4)Finished playing
    974What the Golf? (iPd)Playing
    975Whiffle Ball (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    976Wii Play (Wii)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    977Wild Guns: Reloaded (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    978Wildermyth (PC)Playing
    979Wildfrost (PC)Playing
    980Wipeout 2048 (VITA)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    981Wipeout Fusion (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    982Wipeout Pulse (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    983Wipeout Pure (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    984Wipeout: The Game (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    985Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4)Finished playing
    986Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    987WordJong (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    988World Cup of Pool (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    989Worms: Open Warfare (PSP)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    990WTF (PSP)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    991Wuppo (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    992X-men: Legends (GC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    993XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PS3)Finished playing
    994XG Blast! (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    995XIII (PC)Finished playing
    996Yakuza Kiwami (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    997Yesterday Origins (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    998Yeti Quest (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    999Yo Ho Ho! Puzzle Pirates (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    1000Yoku's Island Express (PS4)Finished playing
    1001Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    1002Yoshi Touch & Go (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    1003Yoshi's Island:Super Mario Advance 3 (GBA)Finished playing
    1004You Must Build a Boat (iPd)Finished playing
    1005Zenses: Ocean (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    1006Zenses: Rainforest (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    1007Zombie Daisuki (DS)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    1008Zombie Smash (iPd)Playing
    1009Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    1010Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars (GBA)Finished playing
    1011Zoo Keeper (DS)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    1012Zoo Quest (DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    1013Zoocube (GBA)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    1014Zubo (3DS)Stopped playing - Got Bored


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