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    Apr 18th, 2010 at 23:55:50     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    This game represents inequality in gender. The women in the game are portrayed as whores. They are wearing short skirts, skimpy tops revealing big breasts and midriffs, and knee-length, heeled boots. Some of the women are even walking the streets in bikinis. Perhaps some of the outfits are representative of the Californian weather, but it goes beyond the clothes. When CJ runs into a man, he says something like, “Get the f*** outta my way.” However, when CJ runs into a woman, she says something along the lines of, “How much you want, baby?” Even the cars the women drive do not seem to be the nice ones. The women are also easier to beat up and kill. Even in the beginning of the game, when CJ is in the cemetery, his brother is disrespecting the woman that is there. From the game, this question arises; is it ethical to treat women differently (specifically worse) than men?

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    Apr 18th, 2010 at 23:54:28     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    All aspects of the game support a negative stereotype of black people. First of all, the only character you can play as is a black male named CJ. He is dressed like a “thug” and lives in the “ghetto.” The only way he can get around is by bike or by a car that he has to hijack. Even the music playing in the cars is mainly rap. He has not seen his mother and other family members in five years and is only returning home to bury his mother. Furthermore, the narrative of the game is packed with expletives and the N-word. CJ and the other people who talk speak with improper grammar and use slang. Their conversations deal with escaping enemies or the police. Lastly, the actual game play is ridiculous. The whole game revolves around shooting people, stealing cars, gang fights, and escaping the police. At one point, CJ and his friend go into a pizza place to get food. CJ’s friend tries to rob the joint but fails because the pizza owner recognizes him. I feel that this is especially racist because it is supporting the stereotype that black people are always trying to steal money, even from a little pizza place, and that they are not even smart enough to accomplish that. The question that accompanies this game is; is it ethical to portray black people in a negative, stereotypical way in a video game?

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    1Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)Playing
    2Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)Playing


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