Apr 4th, 2011 at 22:18:05 - The Last Remnant (360) |
... O.o# I just foolishly wrote a paper for 40 mins on Last remnant in the browser window and hit enter... I'll rewrite it later in Word... Im just going to go crawl up into a ball for awhile.
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Mar 19th, 2011 at 00:42:20 - Killer 7 (PS2) |
Day 3
-In texas. To kill some a zealot.
-Took way too long to figure out I could jump on roofs with one of the characters.
-Puzzles are random. Easy too.
-I die way too much, making this game more frustrating than fun.
-Whaaat? I am so confused.
-Well this was an interesting boss/ cutscene. A lot of blood related uhh animation? Conclusion on this: excellent.
-Animation was different than the game's previous animation styles during cutscenes.
-Ha, next cutscene opened with a hooker being shot in the head I think. This animation was different than previous cutscene.
-Everybody is getting shot in the head!
-Oh boy, back to the Cleaner’s trailer, where the unexplained screaming man is. Freaks me out to be honest.
- Sooo the man you work for is actually handicapped and beaten by the maid, who is sometimes nice? Alternate realities? Whatever, I have to accept things as they come in this game.
-I actually missed the weird gimp guy that helps you, in his absence during the previous mission.
-This game is giving me some serios déjà vu. At a theme park by the way.
-Multiple personalities?
-I dont know what is going on in this game at all, but it is very interesting.
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Mar 17th, 2011 at 10:04:53 - Killer 7 (PS2) |
Day 2
-Audio sounds really good in this game, better than more recent games, in my opinion.
-Freaky screams and sound effects have a profound effect on me.
-Cannot choose character, so I have been upgrading mostly Dan Smith.
-Game forcing me to use characters I ignored before.
-Keep dying as a result.
-The cleaner, the character who revives fallen members, has died. This caused a game over, which in turn lost all of my progress for today. That is what I get for not saving. Hour and a half worth of progree… Makes me want to quit.
-Thank god I can skip cut scenes.
- A shirtless, muscular, and albino ninja without a shirt?
-Just great, found out I died next to a save room.
-Looks like the political debate ended in everyone shooting each other.
-I keep dying a lot.
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Mar 15th, 2011 at 21:42:13 - Killer 7 (PS2) |
Hellooo. For Killer 7 logs I am going to leave myself notes for each day I play, and then write up a conclusion on the game when I finish.
Day 1:
Been told to play killer 7 awhile ago, and it is finally time.
-Love the aesthetics of the game.
-The movement was hard to grasp at first, but it works well now that I have gotten better at it.
-This game seems to be heavily influenced by 9/11, hence the holy warriors who suicide bomb.
-Going through the character selection.
-Want to try to figure out which character I like the most.
-Cant make a decision, so I will stick to Dan.
-This gimp guy who is helping me out is creeping me out.
-Haha I get it. The writing on the wall says “How soon is now,” which is a Smiths song, and our assassin group in the game is called The Smiths. Someone must be a fan.... I assume?
-Resident Evil-esque puzzles.
-This carrier pigeon’s name is Pussy…
-It seems Kaede, the lady of the group, cuts her wrists to make barriers disappear.
-Forced to change between characters.
-The music is sooo good.
-The cleaner can ressesutate fallen teammates by putting their bloody doggy bag in his suitcase?
-Interesting fight. I was a preacher in a wheelchair, who had to shoot off the wings of a innocent looking girl saying that they only blow up people due to their religious beliefs.
-The interesting thing here to me is that she was stylized like an anime character, while the other characters are not.
- Game world terrifed of terrorism, and tried everything to stop it.
- Nice Anime cutscene.
-Only people able to stop smiling faces (terrorist group) are the Killer 7.
-Playing as Mask De Smith. I like his Mexican wrestler persona as a personal preference, but you can’t get blood(experience) with him.
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