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    Oct 3rd, 2010 at 00:47:25     -    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)

    For the second play session, I decided to take a break from the missions and just enjoy the free roaming part of the game. I found myself doing many unethical and immoral things around the city. At first, it was just hijacking cars. This small unethical thing was a gateway to much other unethical and illegal mayhem that followed. I went from hijacking cars, to running over pedestrians, to drive-bys, to doing it just to escape police. I found myself twenty minutes in stealing cars in front of the police, driving recklessly and crashing into squad cars, shooting their engines, hoping they would burst into flames. I would dislike it a little bit if a game company was promoting such a hectic experience; however at the same time I think it is a good thing. We all need some kind of venting system to get rid of any frustration or attitude we built up during the day. As utilitarianism says, who cares as long as it makes us happy.

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    Oct 1st, 2010 at 22:22:24     -    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)

    I recently started playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas again. I had played it a bunch a long time ago, but not until I started playing it again have I remembered what it was like. I started a whole new game to get a good feel for the story once again. The premise is pretty much Carl’s mother was murdered, and so Carl comes back to his old neighborhood which has turned for the worse. I witnessed dirty cops giving Carl the business from the very beginning. From there you find yourself at the first ethical question: steal or not to steal? By that I mean, you are told to steal some random bike that happens to be near you. As such, we all take the bike not thinking anything of it. I rode the bike to Carl’s old house, got threatened by a man with a bat. Then, I continued on to being insulted and pushed by Carl’s brother. From there, I did a mission with a friend named Ryder. This mission took me to get my haircut and eat a pizza from the pizza shop across the street. This turns into Ryder attempting to hold the pizza shop up, in which I talk him down enough for the guy behind the counter to pull a shotgun on us, and chase us down the street with it. From there it turns into a gang turf type of story. Spray some things on walls, run away from other gangs, trying not to get the attention of the police. All of which seems to be a normal day for the neighborhood citizens. So from the very beginning you are forced into a thug type lifestyle. Stealing bikes, holding up pizza shops, spray painting gang lingo on walls, promoting gang colors and turf wars. I feel more thuggish already, Yo yo.

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    1Columbine RPG (PC)Playing
    2Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)Playing


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