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    Feb 9th, 2008 at 15:17:47     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    Entry 2
    The game play wasn't much different the second time around, however I did try the single player which did change the game slightly. There are different types of challenges, for example fighting 30 yoshi's in one level, however the gameplay is essentially the same. The game can keep it's interest because there is a different strategy to use for every character, and a different strategy to use against every character. The player must try to use fighting attacks to increase the damage on the opponent. This damage makes the opponent fly farther when hit, increasing their odds of being thrown out of the level. The player may use any of 3 special moves. One usually helps to get the player back onto the level by providing an extra jump. The other two are usually attacks, however not always. The player may also use physical attacks and ground as well as airborn strategies.

    The game was designed very well. The characters attributes are generally well balanced at novice to almost expert levels. However at expert levels it becomes clear that some characters are clearly better than others, such as Pikachu, Fox, and Kirby. However the games ability to provide a balanced fighting game amongst most skill levels is impressive. The button scheme is intuitive and allows the character to be focused on the game instead of the controller. The levels each present a different problem or advantage to every character so it is fun to try out different levels. The game is fun for kids even though it is a fighting game, the tone of the game is light and cartoony which creates an environment almost any gamer can enjoy.

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    Feb 9th, 2008 at 15:09:16     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    Super smash brothers in an unconventional fighting game. The player chooses between characters from previous video games and uses their customized moves to knock the other fighters off of the fighting arena.
    Super smash brothers allows a player to become attached to their character. Because of characters from previous games you can pick your favorite much more easily than in regular fighting games. Also because the objective is not go destroy life, there are much more options for strategy. I feel fast paced competition while playing this game, also I have never had more fun competing with friends than in super smash brothers 64. There are a multitude of different ways to be good at the game that there are surprises around every corner. This is the kind of game that one can play for hours.

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    Jan 26th, 2008 at 02:18:27     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    just a note: I know you mentioned something about paragraphs and it being confusing however in these log entries I tried to indent and it came out with no indentations...

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    Jan 26th, 2008 at 02:17:22     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    The second hour I played super mario was still interesting. The game was able to maintain excitement by varying the types of enemies you encounter. This adds a higher level of difficulty to play in harder levels. It also challenges you to think out side of the box and use different strategies that you previously used.
    I was not able to maintain interest in the game for the second hour all the way through. The game is to similar to keep you playing for an extremely long time. However the similarity in it is good enough to always keep you coming back.
    The innovative elements in this game are the map movement for levels. This is very different from the linear gameplay in the previous Mario games. The differentiation in levels while keeping the game still the same is a good design element. I can imagine it would be hard to keep such a basic game so interesting. The tone of the game world is fun, the game is not scary but players become attached to the character and often get very upset when they die.
    The reward structure allows the player to experience new levels with new abilities. The reward of gaining lives to allow to keep playing is also pivotal. In this sense it is almost like an arcade game where the objective is to just get as far through the game as you can with the amount of lives that you have which also keeps the game interesting.

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