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    Oct 6th, 2008 at 14:03:18     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    Second Thirty minutes

    After having learned some of the controls and having gotten "wasted" once, you get to attempt more missions. One of the main issues brought up is respect, after every mission the work respect is gained and so is money. The respect is gained by causing harm to other gang members and completing violent missions. This goes against the concept of the Social contract, causing harm to others and vandalizing properti, graffiti, just creates destruction and does not add to the common good of people.
    We can look back at another theory and apply it. One mission CJ sees how drugs have affected the community and he decides that they should do something about it. He then beats a drug dealer and raids a crack house, in this way he is going to lessen the drug sales and therefore cause the most good. Here is satisfies the Utilitarian approach as he is producing the most happiness. He had to create violence but less people would have access to drugs.

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    Oct 6th, 2008 at 13:52:05     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    First 30 minutes of Gameplay

    The character that you control in the beginning of the game is CJ, who has returned to the city of San andreas. One of the first scenes has CJ being stopped by three police officers. We get to witness an exaggerated version of police officers who do not believe in the serve and protect aspect of there jobs. The game since the beginning starts to make us believe that many of the people in that part of the city are criminals, as we learn that CJ himself was a former gang member. We also see many stereotypes be exagerated that poke fun but at some points can become offensive to some. CJ has returned because of the passing of his mother. This is trying to make us understand the importance that we have of family since that is the only reason for his return.
    From the beginning of the game we are bombarded with slang and derogatory terms that to many may seem offensive. This tries to add to an authenticity that the creators set out to apply. CJ has to make a choice to try and make money which he needs in order for him to have money, which was taken by the police when he arrived to the city.

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    1Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)Playing
    2Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)Playing


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