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Gradius Collection (PSP)

Status: Playing
I started playing this game on Thursday 16 August, 2012
Current opinion of this game
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August 16, 2012 11:15:40 AM
It's actually quite interesting to play arcade games and their sequels right after each other. This collection has Gradius, Gradius II, Gradius III, Gradius IV, and Gradius Gaiden all of which I may have played as a kid at some time or another. I'm not a Gradius expert by any stretch of the fact, I'm probably the opposite, given how hard it has been for me to play these games even on the easiest settings!

Anyways, I just played each of them in order of appearance and wow, it's quite remarkable how much consistency there is from one title to another in terms of movement, feeling, and art style. The games hold up remarkably well in this regard with scenes that are still (to me) awe-inspiring. Many of the enemies are just (I think the fire dragons that come out of the sun might be my favorite so far).

Hmm.. or maybe I really like the organic designs in the enemies and backgrounds? I really wish there was an "invulnerable" mode so I could just see everything.

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria