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Bit.Trip.Runner (PC)

Status: Playing
I started playing this game on Friday 20 September, 2013
Current opinion of this game
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September 20, 2013 03:42:02 PM
I've had this game "sitting" in my Steam account for a while. I've also eyed it with interest more than a few times in its other incarnations (other platforms). I've only just finished installing it and have played a few levels. I'm quite underwhelmed - it's basically an endless runner! (that's not endless). You can jump and you can duck (so far, there may be more things coming up)...and that's it. It looks nice, and the audio is really sweet as well, but I don't see much depth to be honest.

I feel bad that I don't like it, because I remember it getting all sorts of accolades. Maybe I'm just grumpy today...

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria