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Fez (PS3)

Status: Playing
I started playing this game on Monday 22 September, 2014
Current opinion of this game
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September 29, 2014 09:51:59 PM
I'm kind of late to this indie bandwagon, no?

It's strange to play a game where I feel I know more about it's creator (or at least I think I do) due to the variety of stories/events/controversies that have plagued him than I do about the game itself. I mean, I knew what the "hook" was in terms of the mechanic, but not much else.

So far it's been interesting and, perhaps surprisingly, a lot more accesible than I thought it would be. I had the idea that the game would quickly get to a point where the puzzles were simply to obfuscated to be any fun (for me). So far that hasn't been the case - if anything it's been the opposite. However, what the game doesn't have in difficulty, it is making up for in secret stuff. I feel like there's a lot more to the game than I've been able to piece together and I'm reluctant at this point to go online and see what I can find. I'm kind of enjoying just randomly exploring the world. Not sure if I'll get incredibly lost at some point, but we'll see.

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria