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Please, Don't Touch Anything! (PC)

Status: Playing
I started playing this game on Saturday 13 February, 2016
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February 19, 2016 10:16:47 AM
I was looking for a few games to show in the experimental games class when I ran across a blog post where someone noted that a game I was looking at reminded them of "Please, Don't Touch Anything!". And now, here I am stuck playing this game and kind of enjoying it's wonky sense of humor and lack of usual/current game design sensibilities. It feels fresh and different and fun (and also a bit frustrating when you're stuck and don't know what to do next), and a bit nostalgic?

It's basically a puzzle-box type game where you have a single screen and things to look at and interact with. There's things that trigger other things, things that must be done in a certain order, and puzzles and cryptic clues to decipher. It's exactly like an adventure/puzzle game of old with one important difference: there are multiple solutions. Most puzzle games require that you solve things in the right order and at the right moment, if you can't you're stuck. Here, you can branch out a little and try different things. So far I've solved/discovered 5 of the 25 solutions (there's little yellow lights at the bottom you can use to track your progress). So, at least for now, I do have a sense of progress. This will obviously go away as soon as I exhaust possibilities, but for now at least I'm enjoying the ride.

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria