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Missile Cards (iPd)

Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored
I started playing this game on Tuesday 4 July, 2017  //  I stopped playing this game on: Monday 17 July, 2017
Current opinion of this game
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July 17, 2017 02:53:38 PM
This came up on my twitter feed and I thought I'd give it a go. It's a really interesting concept - it's a turn-based game in which you play cards in order to prevent asteroids from destroying your base. I think it's inspired by Missile Command, but the gameplay is not action-based.

I feel like I really want to like/enjoy this game, but the honest truth is that I can't seem to get into it. It's easy to lose a game due to the randomness of the cards. It's also, I think, easy to win a game if the cards come up just right. However, there isn't really any deck construction (other than some bonus cards you can unlock) so the game feels remarkably shallow while hinting at greater tactical depth than I think it really has. So, a little disappointed, BUT I still love the idea.

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria