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Astrologaster (PC)

Status: Playing
I started playing this game on Monday 6 April, 2020
Current opinion of this game
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April 10, 2020 07:51:09 PM
I see why this game has the accolades it's received and - at least so far, I agree with them all.

I've burst out loud laughing at some of the gags/jokes in the game - and the singing is absolutely delightful.

I've also really enjoyed how success in the game seems to rely on modern knowledge/medical insight BUT it is presented in a completely NOT modern (pre-science? early science?) context and language. It's been really insightful to see a coherent presentation of how one can easily confuse "objective truth" (lets assume that exists for some things) with results. By playing the game you're effectively reinforcing the superstitions and bogus medical knowledge in the people you treat (and presumably the doctor as well) - because it works! So, the explanations come after the fact - but you start from it working which is really interesting.

I guess what I'm saying is that this game is making my brain hurt in interesting ways as I wrestle with what exactly is happening in the game metaphorically!

It's so good.

kudos for original design to Rodrigo Barria